What If Your Kids are Average?
Maren O'Neill2025-03-02T11:30:09-06:00We all know our kids are above average, but what if average was excellent?
We all know our kids are above average, but what if average was excellent?
Does your budget work, except in Unusual Months? Let’s fix that!
What is wealth and how do you know if you have it?
There is almost no end to the risks we endure in military service. But how do we face up to investment risk?
Are you getting ahead or falling behind? How would you know?
It’s time to save for college, but where should you start? A 529? A UTMA? Something else?
Investing and personal finance has too much jargon. Let’s just focus on the basics of account types!
TSP will allow Roth Conversions inside the plan in 2026—here’s what you need to know!
If you wanted Long-term Care insurance for Christmas, you may have to wait until 2026…
Does the rule of law matter to your TSP? Probably so…
Do you need a healthcare FSA? If you dislike taxes, maybe so…
Your parents may be conspiring to inflate your tax bill! What can you do?
Could there really be one simple credit card hack that’s better than all of the others?
If you already walk on water, how hard can running a business be? Read on to find out!
Tax Planning is both a long-range and short-range exercise to help suppress your lifetime tax bill—no tips for the tax man!
How do we plan for life insurance needs? What if returns are lower? We can plan for that.
Time to look at the good stuff! Turning assumptions into actionable analysis!
Financial planning is all about goals, but how do we distill goals for accurate planning?
Saving doesn't have to be complicated... or does it?
You get maybe 85 laps around the sun. How do you optimize the Wealth, Health, and Kid time during your Lifespan?
Retirement has many choices. Choosing to retire may be the easiest one…
Should you get married to pay less taxes? Probably not…
Appreciation grows the price of your rental home, Depreciation shrinks the cost of your taxes. Here’s what you need to know about Depreciation.
Memorial Day gives us a chance to reflect on our mission—perfecting the Union others died to preserve.
Is your net worth on course, on glidepath? How much net worth should you have for your age?
Commanders are busy, but they’re responsible for financial readiness too. This toolkit makes it easy to lead with money!
Mother’s day is just a few days away. Do you know how much your Mom is worth? Of course she’s priceless, but let’s peel that back a bit!
You’ve heard of one-page financial plans, note card financial plans, but what about Haiku?
Hangovers are part of College, but how long should they last and do parents get them too?
What is College Really For?
College decision season is in full afterburner for seniors… what’s coming up for juniors?
If you could have a superpower, wouldn’t you want it to be mental accounting? Maybe you’re in luck…
Lifestyle creep isn’t inherently bad, and consumption smoothing is definitely hard. What path should you choose?
Crypto comes in ETF flavors now—is it time to buy?
Insurance is like Goldilocks, too much and too little are probably not the right answer…
Investing in single stocks can pay off big (early Apple), result in disaster (Enron), be a long-slow decline (GE), or be a roller coaster (most companies over time).
Budgets stink. Maybe there’s another way to make your money behave… YNARB
It’s rare to hear that you shouldn’t diversify your investments, but really, should you?
You’ve decided to get a Revocable Living Trust, but what do you do now?
It’s almost the end of the year, but there’s still time to max-perform your money!
Giving to grandkids feels good, paying for their education pays for your Social Security...so what’s the downside of a Grandparent-owned 529?
Backdoor Roth season is in full swing. You'll need to maneuver before December 31st, so here's what you need to know about Backdoor Roth IRAs!
College is expensive, but there are a lot of ways to save for college. Read on to arm yourself with the best tactics!
We all like our cards. They provide a lot of convenience. But what do we trade for that convenience?
Roth Conversions are mysterious until they're not. They can lower your lifetime tax bill, which is the bill you should be worrying about!
Stuff is everywhere. Do you have enough? Too much? Is it time to declare “Peak Stuff?”