
About boneillf16

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So far boneillf16 has created 161 blog entries.

Markets Versus Mattresses


The market is too high to invest in, right? Wait, how do you know? When do you jump in? All at once, or a little at a time?

Markets Versus Mattresses2025-02-09T13:31:03-06:00

Everything is Free


Military service conditions us not to pay for a lot of services, but should we pay even if we don’t absolutely have to?

Everything is Free2025-02-09T13:34:53-06:00

The C-Word(s)


Culmination, compensation, confusion—check! The are so many C-Words in the financial world, but the really tough ones are Contribution, Conversion and Characterization.

The C-Word(s)2025-02-09T13:35:57-06:00

Bucket List Planning for the Young


You have a long time before you "kick the bucket," but how long do you have before you don't own your children's time to make memories for your family? Do you need a bucket list for age 14? Maybe 18?

Bucket List Planning for the Young2025-02-09T13:38:13-06:00

The Other DCA


Defensive Counter Air is fun, but could Dollar Cost Averaging be even more fun?

The Other DCA2025-02-09T13:43:45-06:00

How to Max Perform Holidays with Family


Holidays are stressful enough, but sometimes they're your best chance to have a tough conversation with family members. Read on for tactics to max perform your holidays!

How to Max Perform Holidays with Family2025-02-09T13:48:02-06:00

Old Money


You know how to handle your money, but your parents are starting to need some help. Where do you even start?

Old Money2025-02-09T13:51:02-06:00

How Fighter Pilots KISS Part 2


Diversification is good, but how much of a good thing do you need? Can too much diversification harm your portfolio?

How Fighter Pilots KISS Part 22025-02-09T13:54:22-06:00

How Fighter Pilots KISS


Everything has its place, but do you really need separate accounts all over the place? How many IRA's are enough?

How Fighter Pilots KISS2025-02-09T13:55:11-06:00

Markets Versus Mattresses


The market is too high to invest in, right? Wait, how do you know? When do you jump in? All at once, or a little at a time?

Markets Versus Mattresses2025-02-09T13:56:12-06:00

Non-Traditional Investments


Investing in dollars is necessary, but not sufficient. To solve for happiness, we need to invest in other ways too.

Non-Traditional Investments2025-02-09T13:57:17-06:00

Everything is Free


Military service conditions us not to pay for a lot of services, but should we pay even if we don’t absolutely have to?

Everything is Free2025-02-09T13:58:11-06:00

How Lieutenants Become Millionaires, Part 2


Graduating from a 20-year military career with a million-dollar nest egg is well within reach for new officer. Modest savings in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) added to the traditional defined benefit pension for 20+ year military retirees can make today’s butter bars into tomorrow’s millionaire next door, but you have to act now!

How Lieutenants Become Millionaires, Part 22023-06-25T17:23:08-06:00

The C-Word(s)


Culmination, compensation, confusion—check! The are so many C-Words in the financial world, but the really tough ones are Contribution, Conversion and Characterization.

The C-Word(s)2025-02-09T14:02:03-06:00

Are you Saving Enough?


We all wonder if we’re saving enough or too little, perhaps even too much. How should you think about your savings goals?

Are you Saving Enough?2025-02-09T14:03:43-06:00

What to Know about Roth Matching


The new SECURE Act 2.0 that passed in late 2022 paved the way for employers to match your 401(k)-type contributions with Roth dollars—here’s what you need to know!

What to Know about Roth Matching2025-02-09T14:05:08-06:00

4 – I – 4 – T for 2023


4-I-4-T… Should you put money into the TSP or an IRA or both? What about a taxable account—where does that fit into an investing order of operations?

4 – I – 4 – T for 20232025-02-09T14:05:58-06:00

Why Should you Care About the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season 2023?


Opting out of the Survivor Benefit Plan is usually a one-way door. Congress has authorized a rare Open Season to get back in. Here's what you need to know...

Why Should you Care About the Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season 2023?2023-01-01T07:30:56-06:00

How to Time the Market


Every choice of when to invest or if to invest is a market timing decision, but we often get stuck on "When is the best time to invest?" Lump Sum and Dollar-Cost Averaging are two techniques that can help.

How to Time the Market2025-02-09T14:07:13-06:00

Bucket List Planning for the Young


You have a long time before you "kick the bucket," but how long do you have before you don't own your children's time to make memories for your family? Do you need a bucket list for age 14? Maybe 18?

Bucket List Planning for the Young2025-02-09T14:11:49-06:00

Don’t Close the Backdoor (Roth IRA)


Backdoor Roth season is in full swing. You'll need to maneuver before December 31st, so here's what you need to know about Backdoor Roth IRAs!

Don’t Close the Backdoor (Roth IRA)2025-02-09T14:12:43-06:00

Top Ten Insurance Mistakes that Fighter Pilots Make


Insurance isn't a fun topic, but you don't want to be over-insured, under-insured, paying too much, paying too little or otherwise saddled with the wrong insurance. Here's the Top Ten Insurance Mistakes to avoid.

Top Ten Insurance Mistakes that Fighter Pilots Make2022-08-27T05:08:21-06:00

Saving versus Investing


It can be difficult to choose saving versus investing. Let's take a look at the differences, similarities and how to choose.

Saving versus Investing2025-02-09T14:21:03-06:00

Helping Parents with Financial Topics


Like it or not, our parents are going to need a wingman to navigate financial complexity, here's your combat brief to get your started...

Helping Parents with Financial Topics2025-02-09T14:23:48-06:00

How Lieutenants Become Millionaires Part 2


Graduating from a 20-year military career with a million-dollar nest egg is well within reach for new officer. Modest savings in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) added to the traditional defined benefit pension for 20+ year military retirees can make today’s butter bars into tomorrow’s millionaire next door, but you have to act now!

How Lieutenants Become Millionaires Part 22022-02-27T05:26:49-06:00

Non-Traditional Investments


Investing in dollars is necessary, but not sufficient. To solve for happiness, we need to invest in other ways too.

Non-Traditional Investments2025-02-09T14:39:48-06:00

Roth vs. Charity vs. Tax—Who Wins?


Your Traditional TSP balance is booming, but is that such a great thing? What if you want to convert it to Roth? How will your taxes explode?

Roth vs. Charity vs. Tax—Who Wins?2025-02-09T14:38:52-06:00

How Fighter Pilots KISS Part 2


Diversification is good, but how much of a good thing do you need? Can too much diversification harm your portfolio?

How Fighter Pilots KISS Part 22025-02-09T14:36:40-06:00

How Fighter Pilots KISS


Everything has its place, but do you really need separate accounts all over the place? How many IRA's are enough?

How Fighter Pilots KISS2025-02-09T14:35:07-06:00

Old Money


You know how to handle your money, but your parents are starting to need some help. Where do you even start?

Old Money2025-02-09T14:34:37-06:00

The Problem(s) with Financial Advice


Financial advice is usually an informed opinion, but it can be fraught with problems. Chief among the potential pitfalls are the definition of advisor, compensation models, and conflicts of interest.

The Problem(s) with Financial Advice2025-02-09T14:34:05-06:00

Roth IRAs and TSP: AMRAAMs for your Retirement?


Roth is usually superior due to low tax cost in the early years, likelihood of a high tax bracket later, insulation against future tax hikes, no tax bill to heirs, and forced high tax bracket floor from Social Security and Military Pension.

Roth IRAs and TSP: AMRAAMs for your Retirement?2021-02-21T20:56:16-06:00

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires? Part 3 (of 3)


Lieutenants, like all military officers, are endowed with the power to lead and potentially end the lives both the enemy and the women and men in their charge. There is no greater power. Born of this power is the responsibility to wield it in good fashion.

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires? Part 3 (of 3)2021-02-15T08:38:20-06:00

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires? Part 2


Graduating from a 20-year military career with a million-dollar nest egg is well within reach for new officer. Modest savings in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) added to the traditional defined benefit pension for 20+ year military retirees can make today’s butter bars into tomorrow’s millionaire next door , but you have to act now!

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires? Part 22021-04-29T16:21:19-06:00

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires?


Graduating from a 20-year military career with a million-dollar nest egg is well within reach for new officer. Modest savings in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) added to the traditional defined benefit pension for 20+ year military retirees can make today’s butter bars into tomorrow’s millionaire next door , but you have to act now!

Turning Lieutenants into Millionaires?2021-02-01T10:04:16-06:00

Building Wealth by Saving for College?


In addition to walking on water and being uniquely lethal, fighter pilots all have another common trait: a bachelor’s degree. But ask any two fighter pilots about paying for their own kids’ degrees and you might get seven different opinions. This article helps fighter pilots think about unique opportunities that come from saving for college.

Building Wealth by Saving for College?2021-01-25T06:38:02-06:00

4 – I – 4 – T: Where Fighter Pilots Put Their Money


4 – I – 4 – T and this article are about Investment Location.  The importance of investment location is inversely proportional to how adroit most of us are at making investment location choices. 

4 – I – 4 – T: Where Fighter Pilots Put Their Money2025-02-09T14:31:52-06:00
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